Online TEMPLE CODES Activation

2nd of Marc 2025
10:00AM EST & 15:00 CEST

SIGN UP FOr your Temple Codes activation

Within our container, we will support and hold sacred space for your intuitive intelligence to rise to the surface of your awareness and code a living blueprint into your unique, radiant life.

There are moments in life when you decide to choose you and this is one of them.

During our online immersive activation experience, you will be guided to

deepen into your innate body wisdom.

Body wisdom is the intelligent language that is spoken directly from your soma, emotions, thoughts, breath, health, dreams and awareness.

This language is speaking to you in all moments.

Stress, trauma, struggle, stagnation, depression and other densities can mute or dampen this voice from our collective receiving… and these are divinely placed evolutionary opportunities for us to exceed any perceived limitations or boundaries to our growth.

Through the teachings of the Temple Codes trainings and online activations, you will be guided to remember, embody and become the ultimate keeper and creator of your innate body wisdom.

What is the layout for an online session?

After signing up you’ll receive an email containing a zoom link and how to set up your sacred space.

Before we start our session, please make sure:

you have stable internet connectioN

A space where you can lay down comfortably

where we can view you easily and won’t be disturbed for at least 2 hours

you have either headphones/speaker/or simply play music from your computer

We’ll provide you with a link to a Spotify playlist, please make sure you have a subscription (Sign up for 1 month for free if you don’t have a subscription)
We’ll start by connecting and feeling into what’s alive in our container; what do you wish to transmute, release and invite more of into your life. 


Afterwards we’ll move into the energy transmission; the receiving of codes and healing available to us in every moment.

We will start with a collective activating exercise or simply ask you to lay down, take a few deep breaths, start your music and receive the encoded energy.
There will be no speaking during the activation, this is a time to unravel, deepen and decode into your own discoveries.
Listen to the music.
Tune into the sensations of your body.
Follow the journey of your breath. 
when the transmission is over, we will guide you back into the presence of your body. we will end by tuning into your experience, and holding space for sacred sharings. at TEMpLE CODES we honor, witness and celebrate each other - in our collective journey of coming home.