About Simon


Temple Codes

My teachings and methods, Temple Codes, are not about trying to heal all your trauma until you are perfected. I will never encourage you to see your body as a vehicle of symptoms or something to be fixed. Or needing to 'know everything.' This is an embracing of your unique code that when fully integrated has the rarest and most intelligent template for you to embody. We are not a mass of mistakes and ways that we didn’t do it right but rather what if we got curious into the beauty in our innate sequencing, choices, timing evolution and freedom. You are the main character in a majestic, breathtaking, dark and light fairytale here on Earth. You were never meant to be perfect, or totally healed as per the standards of normal. You are a living embodiment of the divine, a part of a long lineage of sages, mages and spiritual rebels, known by many names across time, who came to fully embody their soul codex on earth, with love, and true magic. 

It is time to remember the lost and taboo stories, the myths, the memories, the portals, the practices and protocols of this coded lineage. 

Everything begins with awareness. What I know for certain, is that I have the power to change myself. That is where we begin.

Rooted in the knowing that the body has the innate ability to transform and heal itself, Temple Codes combines elements of kundalini life force, etheric spinal energy, ancient + esoteric wisdom teachings, somatic bodywork, alchemical healing , and spiritual practices. Through these pathways, we emphasize the importance of internal and external flows of energy, emerging as your most purposeful and passionate self.

TEMPLE CODES is about remembrance, embodiment and becoming - the interconnectedness of all aspects of the soma, self and soul while recognizing your power in the process of transformation.

We invite you to become an active participant in your own healing, encouraging you to listen to your body, honor your intuition, and becoming a masterful co-creator of life.

As you engage with the pillars of TEMPLE CODES you will begin to experience a profound sense of shifting awareness, emotional release and infinite natural radiance.

Old patterns of tension, stress and trauma are gently unraveled, opening the way for living, leading, and loving the full capacity of your highest expression.

TEMPLE CODES is the Union of Spirit with the Body, surrounded by Light. 

TEMPLE CODES is comprised of three pillars or three layers of the temple. These three pillars are Remembrance, Embodiment and Becoming.

We are remembering what it is that we have forgotten we have forgot. Remembrance is the pillar of coming home to yourself, the memories, visions and apparitions that regale you with the prophecy of who you truly are.

Feeling is the blueprint that architects the full spectrum of being a human being. Embodiment is the pillar that enables us to heal through the ability to feel.

Through building a future that doesn’t exist, you are courageously becoming someone you haven’t been yet. Becoming is the pillar of allowing your desires to transform into devotion through right use of will.

The three pillars of the Temple Codes form the foundation of sustainable transformation and intimate communion with divinity. Through the energetic mysteries of the Soma, Self, and Soul we invite you to initiate into


Your temple code keepers

Simon Munkshøj

Simon is a somatic energy wizard, who speaks and reads the body on a multidimensional level. 

Simon is trained and embodied in various teachings such as Somatic-Bodywork Therapies, Kundalini Activations, Spinal Energetics and it is through these explorations and more that he found his own Temple Codes and initiated his evolutionary journey through his body.

He believes that the body is the gateway to powerful and profound healing, and through presence, touch and guidance, Simon will help you to remember, feel and embody your own Temple Codes. Simons’ most divine purpose is to be of service and create safe sacred spaces and containers where it feels natural for the nervous system of your Temple to wind down, so you can experience the lightness of your armor dissolving. 

In this lightness the illusions of your stories, patterns and traumas can emerge to be witnessed, healed and transformed into what serves your highest purpose and consciousness. 

Simon is devoted to support you in your mission of bringing forth your fullest essence, eradicating limiting beliefs and realigning you with the awareness of who you truly are.



Mission + Magick

Our mission is to hold a sacred, empowering space to support you in your energetic, spiritual, emotional and personal discovery of divinity and your highest expression of embodiment.

Our Magick is an exploration of multidimensional realms, an awakening of ascension pathways as both human and holy. Our Magick is a communion of ancient future masteries in sacred service to the divine. 


Within our TEMPLE CODES container, we will support and hold sacred space for this intuitive intelligence to rise to the surface of your awareness and code a living blueprint into your unique, radiant life.