Welcome to my universe of authenticity, magick, mystery. healing and love.
I facilitate transformative immersive retreats and trainings around the globe, where I blend physical therapy, energy healing, somatics and trauma awareness. My approach creates a safe environment for individuals to shed their protective shields, confront suppressed emotions, embrace their shadow aspects, and embark on a personalized journey toward self-love and acceptance.

Your Life Force: The Divine Current Within
Your life force surges through every cell of your being, a radiant energy pulsating at the core of your existence, nurturing and sustaining the intricate symphony of systems that make up your body.
"We are all interconnected, and everything flows through us."
We are, at our essence, pure energy. In each fleeting moment, energy is transported and distributed throughout our entire being - from the synaptic dances in our minds to the electric rhythms of our hearts. We are an ongoing manifestation of the divine, a walking powerhouse of infinite vitality and potential.
This life force resides within, an ethereal current that may elude our physical senses- we cannot see it, touch it, or taste it. Yet, when we learn to attune ourselves to its frequency, we can experience the profound pulse of our essence, the vibration of our potential, and the depth of our consciousness.
This energy not only sustains and nurtures every aspect of our physical form on a cellular level but also orchestrates the delicate balance of both conscious and unconscious bodily functions - guiding our breath, harmonizing our digestion, and regulating our heartbeat. It is the vital force that keeps us alive, pulsating with divine intelligence, weaving the tapestry of our existence.
As we awaken to the power of our life force, we step into a deeper understanding of ourselves and our connection to the universe, embracing the sacred dance of energy that flows through us all.
Simon’s 1:1 in person are currently all booked, but he’ll be opening his calendar for in-person sessions in Copenhagen during the summer.
If you wish to get informed about the available dates you can join the waitlist below.
TEMPLE CODES Facilitator Training Level 1
DENMARK - 21st - 28th of MARCH
Join us for Temple Code Facilitator Training, a gathering of etheric healing and divine discovery of pathways to wholeness, holiness and completeness.
TEMPLE CODES Facilitator Training Level 1
Join us for Temple Code Facilitator Training, a gathering of etheric healing and divine discovery of pathways to wholeness, holiness and completeness.

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Simon is deeply intrigued by the profound resonance between our inner landscapes and the external realities we experience. Herein lies the path to inner healing and emancipation, a journey he is eager to share with you.

As you start to expand your consciousness beyond the self, you come to realize that there’s so much more to life and the Universe than what we can see. Creation isn’t random; there’s a profound essence behind it all that connects us. This One Great Something flows through everything - every person, every creature, the Earth, and the cosmos itself.
As your spiritual awareness deepens, you begin to grasp the truth of our interconnectedness. You come to understand that we are all part of one another, woven together as a unified whole - brothers and sisters, all children of the same Infinite Source.
With this growth in awareness comes the natural emergence of Unselfish Love, Kindness, and Compassion. These qualities are what truly matter, marking the essence of authentic spirituality.
CO-creator of the mystery school temple codes.
TEMPLE CODES is not just a training, it is a living mystery school codex unlocking the source of energy consciousness of remembrance, embodiment and becoming.
Within our TEMPLE CODES container, we will support and hold sacred space for this intuitive intelligence to rise to the surface of your awareness and code a living blueprint into your unique & radiant life.
TEstimony & Praise